The Principal Investigator Giovanni B Frisoni (Brescia, Italy) and co-P.I. Clifford Jack (Rochester, MN, MR core leader of ADNI) will be supported by:
(i) a statistical working group headed by Simon Duchesne, Laval University, Canada, and including Louis Collins, MNI, McGill, Montreal and Patrizio Pasqualetti, AFaR, Roma;
(ii) an advisory board including EADC P.I.s Bengt Winblad, Stockholm, Sweden and Lutz Froelich, Mannheim, DE; ADNI P.I. Mike Weiner, UCSF, US;
(iii) a clinical advisor, Pieter Jelle Visser, Maastricht, The Netherlands;
(iv) two population studies advisors, Lenore Launer, NIA, Bethesda and William Jagust, UC Berkley;
(v) a dissemination and education advisor, Gunhild Waldemar, Copenhagen, Denmark;
(vi) industrial advisors, i.e. representatives from the sponsoring pharma companies.